The Heart of a Superhero: Captain Meets Cadette is a very special story about the simple, heartfelt acts of kindness that make Captain EJ a real superhero. In this adventure, Captain EJ joins you for your first shift with the Honeybee Neighborhood Watch. You have everything you need, Hero, and the Honeybee Neighborhood needs you!
Send Message to Captain EJ
Captain EJ loves reading your messages…
and he always replies!
Personalized Stories
Captain EJ will read a story to you…using your name!
Testing the BattleBuzz Helmet
Join Captain EJ & Mr. Honeybee in testing your BattleBuzz Helmet!
Visit Captain EJ’s house as we test out new, cutting edge BattleBuzz Helmet upgrades… and hear your name all throughout this one-of-a-kind mission! On our missions we usually call you Hero; because that’s what you are, but for this mission…
…we’ll be using your REAL name!
2. Pranking Pinky with Captain EJ
Join Captain EJ & Mr. Honeybee on this mission back in the FIRST time you met the EVIL Pinky and Thumb Knuckler! On our missions we usually call you Hero; because that’s what you are, but for this mission…
…we’ll be using your REAL name!
Neighbor Extraordinaire
Captain EJ is the best friend and the fearless defender of the Honeybee Neighborhood!
Though he’s modest about his superhero status, and slow to reveal the full extent of his powers, he does even the smallest deeds with a greatness that can only be called SUPER.
Whether he’s helping a neighbor on moving day, rescuing an overly ambitious kitten from a tree, or answering the call to action from someone in need, Captain EJ knows that no part is too small to play in the force of goodness.
Defender of the Honeybee Neighborhood
Captain EJ is so selfless and so focused on others, that it took the most important mission of his life for him to understand the true strength of his unique power.
He always knew he was different, knew that he was imbued with a special gift to give….
But it wasn’t until he met the most nefarious foe yet, that he was drawn deeply inward to examine who he really is and what all he is made of.
This heartless bully, who is Captain EJ’s opposite—full of wanton disregard and blatant selfishness—threatened the very existence of small town full of innocent, hard-working people.
Captain EJ could not stand by; would not stand by.
Join Captain EJ for his most important mission yet!
As he fights for what’s right against Pinky and Thumb Knuckler, his most formidable nemeses yet,
Captain EJ will discover the TRUE POWER of his voice . . . and it’s one that YOU share!
By the end of this mission, both you and Captain EJ will come to understand your steely inner strength, the limitless source of your power, and what it truly means to be a superhero.
Along the way, you will have access to cutting edge technology that is provided by Mr. Honeybee. Everything from flying cars to suits modeled after ants to solar-powered drones and even a rather volatile teleportation remote.
You will grow to depend on the reliability of Mr. Honeybee’s technical assistance as well as the confidence of having Captain EJ at your back.
Donning the Battlebuzz Helmet, you will share in more of Captain EJ’s powers than you realize.
All in a day’s work for a SUPERHERO!
On the outermost edges of the Honeybee Neighborhood, an invisible enemy is on a rampage.
The town of Dormere requested our immediate assistance with reports of long-distance vaporization. Things have been disappearing into thin air, and the townspeople are worried it could easily escalate.
We must travel to the sleepy Dormere valley to see first-hand what’s been going on.
Once suited up and ready, we fly there on our personal transporters provided by Mr. Honeybee, our technological assistant. We find a helpful resident, Sally Smith, who leads us in the right direction.
This is the work of Pinky and Thumb Knuckler. But who are they?
We needed something a bit more powerful to defeat the Knuckler brothers….and that’s what Mr. Honeybee will help us with in this episode.
After narrowly escaping Pinky and Thumb Knuckler's long-distance vaporization attempts, Mr. Honeybee was waiting for us back at the Command Center.
He specially developed suits of silver that were modeled after the extraordinary Saharan Silver Ants—yes, you read correctly: ants.
Once suited up and properly concealed, we were outfitted further with electric networked-vehicles—one for each of us. The reflective silver fibers on our latest armor will allow us to confront the Knucklers face-to-face on their turf.
In our shining silver armor, we walk straight into a Knuckler ambush…and keep walking.
Their long-distance vaporization attempts don’t stand a chance against our suits of silver, which could handle the heat.
But, we do hit a bit of a snag…
It seems Pinky Knuckler knows more about the silver in our suits than even Mr. Honeybee did—and Mr. Honeybee made them!
What is Knuckler International?
We wake up from our much-needed nap in the backyard hammocks and unravel this tangled web thread by thread.
In the safety of the Stronghold, you learn the source and the extent of your strength. You will never look at your own two hands the same—knowing, now, the power they contain.
You also learn what constitutes full strength for Captain EJ—which is used sparingly in consideration of the great potential for destruction.
It's not the powers we have that makes us heroes, but when and how we decide to use them.
With the help of Mr. Honeybee and Sally Smith, we figure out a strategy to contain the Knuckler's rampant misuse of their scientific genius.
After learning about the incredible work of the elder, Dr. Knucklers, we attempt to contact them on their sabbatical. Perhaps they can stop their sons from afar; or else, we will have to stop them ourselves.
We have no choice but to stop Pinky and Thumb Knuckler ourselves.
Since we know silver is their kryptonite and we have the means to generate as much silver as we need, we follow a shimmering path through this conundrum. In a truly heroic feat, mount a steely defense for the residents of Dormere.
Once again, we are out-paced and out-maneuvered by the Knuckler's clever tricks.
If we did nothing else, we distracted the Knucklers enough for the meantime. Though, we’re getting the sense that we may have gotten a little too much of their attention.
Now Pinky and Thumb aren't focused on destroying Dormere; instead, it seems, they’re set on seeking revenge…….against us....
Their cunning is a finite resource, but our heroism is not.
While the Knucklers slept we crept right under their noses and right into their fortress to disable and trouble the source of their stolen power.
Pinky and Thumb start their night in utter confusion that escalates to blinding rage—well at least for Pinky, who is fixated on us more than ever. Thumb woke up with different words on his heart.
The Knuckler brothers are left without devices, sitting in the darkness that surrounds them and their awful deeds. We shouldn't have to worry about them anymore; there's nothing left for them to do to disrupt Dormere.
And the Knuckler brothers have never once left their least not yet.
A celebration was in order when we returned from our stealth mission....and celebrate…we do in this episode.
As Mrs. Honeybee always says, all superheroes need their super-rest, so we let our defenses down and we do just that. We kick back, we relax, we fall right to sleep up on the roof, under a blanket of stars….
…only to be rudely awoken in the early morning hours by something sinister.
We come face-to-face with a technological advancement of epic proportions, that wasn’t made by Mr. Honeybee’s dutiful hand.
This storming development has its effects on us, yes, but more worrisome, it also seems to have an effect on the weather.
Fast-moving clouds pour rain down on us like we've never experienced in the Honeybee Neighborhood before. We tried……and tried again… radio Mr. Honeybee, but our calls go unanswered.
We are left to our own devices without Mr. Honeybee's expert guidance, but luckily, our devices—and a little help from our robot friend Roger—are all we need.
We catch on to the Knuckler's latest scheme by catching them red-handed in the infrared light of our BattleBuzz helmet scopes. They attempt to catch us by surprise, but we have them in our sights—not exactly where we want them, since they’re on our turf, but we are still one important step ahead of them.
It seems the tables and tides have turned for one of the Knuckler brothers. With a tired team reduced by half, we can use all the help we need…but we are surprised from where that helping hand reaches.
The storms rage on before our eyes, despite our best-laid plans.
The Knucklers' wickedness proved relentless. But—much to our surprise—their brotherly bond was not nearly as strong. While we haven't taken down the clouds that hang heavy over the entire Honeybee Neighborhood, the force of good that flows through all of us has cracked the foundation for the Knucklers. Will their reign of terror be next to crumble?
Mr. Honeybee finds himself with a mysterious influence over Thumb Knuckler that comes in handy when one of our most sparkling team members needs just that: a hand to help keep her head above water in the tricky situation she finds herself in.
Given the strength of the storms, and the raging rivers that have formed, Captain EJ had no choice but to use his full vocal strength to astonishing ends.
When one problem is temporarily solved, another springs up or rather….floats away.
In this final showdown, you and Captain EJ face off once and for all against your mighty nemeses using…any means necessary.
Brace yourself, it’s going to take all you have within you to defeat these foes—but what you and Captain EJ have within you, is more than enough.
Discover the true power of your voice with Captain EJ!
In this bonus story, Captain EJ will join you for your first night shift of the Honeybee Neighborhood Watch! You will meet your neighbors as well as someone who will become very special to Captain EJ.
Captain EJ vs The Knucklers (Episode 1)
Take the Quiz!
🚨 Breaking News from Dormere! 🚨
🚨 Breaking News from Dormere! 🚨 🚨 ALERT 🚨 🚨 HEROES NEEDED 🚨
Welcome to the Honeybee Neighborhood, Hero!
Take a stroll through the peaceful Honeybee Neighborhood where there sits an unassuming house on an unassuming street.
To the undiscerning eye, this quiet house might just be a house….but to YOU, dear Hero, this house is the incognito home to a very important place: Mr. Honeybee’s Command Center!
This is the epicenter of all technological innovation.
From within these four walls, your technological assistant devises the devices that will help you combat any nemesis on any mission; the Knucklers are no exception—no matter how big and bad they seem.
Even this Command Center, which is hidden behind a Mr. Honeybee’s Garage door contains an even more hidden dimension.
Can you see the secret door?
Hint: maybe take a bike ride to clear your mind, first.
Concealed within the walls of Mr. Honeybee’s Garage and Command Center is: The Stronghold.
Once you get to the secret door of the Stronghold, it takes two-factor authentication on a digital authenticator that switches codes every few seconds. If you’re able to get past that hand-held security, then you move onto facial recognition.
As the lasers blaze millimeter by millimeter, scanning every contour of your face against its stringent recognition software, your heart rate elevates to match the frenetic beeping of the vault-like machinery before you.
Should you make it this far, you hear the gears shift and the vacuum-seal release, when the door to what seems like another world…opens up to a long, dark hallway. Your footsteps echo as you walk and you lose all sense of direction, unsure what direction you’re heading, or what you are.
Approaching the Stronghold, you know you’re underground by the deafening silence.
Here, in this sparse underground, one-of-a-kind fortification, Mr. Honeybee has set up four concrete walls and not much else. These walls are for Captain EJ to practice and they have been built and rebuilt several times.
It’s here that you witness a first peek at Captain EJ’s full strength, which was baffling and disorienting.
Each stage of the complex mission will unravel more and more of the mystery of Captain EJ’s powers and the full extent of his unknown, unidentified strength.
← use arrows to scroll left and right →

← use arrows to scroll left and right →

Adventure to Dormere!
You would not expect anything as eventful as this mission in the small, mountain town of Dormere—and the residents didn’t either! Nothing of note happens in Dormere, but it is anything but your typical town. Known for occupying the shadiest part of the valley between two mountain peaks, darkness reigns here in Dormere, and there is a specific reason that you’ll come to understand for that. The eccentric residents are….memorable….to say the least.
Travel to this quaint, remote place below.
Enjoy the peaceful landscape while you can…it will not be serene for long.
The shadiest place on this earth is in desperate need of your radiance, Hero!
Explore key locations of the mission below!
All of these locations will be the settings of an important events along the way. You will come to know Dormere inside and out; this remote place will become something of a second home before you know it.